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New ATC Cabin Temp Sensor for Single Zone ATC mod in 4spd 8.4 upgraded trucks.


NOTE: Single Zone ATC is an unofficial Ram HVAC mode and is dependent on 3rd party vehicle BCM programmers ( AlfaOBD, OBDgenie, etc.) to function correctly after programming changes made by the end user/owner. Correct operation cannot be guaranteed. Additional wiring to support factory mode, Dual Zone ATC, is available as an option and requires additional parts/dash removal/blend door install which is also dependent on the end user/owner. See the following RamForum thread for details: Adding dual zone atc to a tradesman.


ATC Cabin Temp Sensor (4spd Single Z. ATC mod)


    2024 by M2 Mods
    (Prices & availability subject to change)

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